Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Dad's letter to his children

My Dear Son and my Dear daughter,

            I am attempting to give you some sort of prescription for you to ponder, contemplate and then if you feel it is worth following, try to follow it to have healthy balanced life while on Earth and to be more useful to one’s own self first and then to others.

As, I understand from my experiences in life, a balanced life is a life that has healthy BODY, healthy MIND and healthy SOUL. This can happen if equal attention is paid by the human being on all these things. Only then, one can apply his body, mind and soul on everything that a man undertakes and that is what is giving 100%. That gives a sense of fulfillment. The day should begin with by waking up in a clean and light heart and should continue as a series of experiences of fulfillment and sleep with a clean and clear, guilt-less consciousness. This is the pursuit of human perfection. We should constantly apply this on to our own self till this happens and then continue to refine ourselves after that. And Excellence is something that we have to aspire for in everything that we do. What is excellence? Excellence is attempting to do a particular thing as perfectly as possible giving 100%. As someone said – if we pursue excellence, success follows.

Pursue your professional excellence not forgetting that you have to be a good human being first before you become anything else.

May the Almighty Lord bless you profusely to become what He wants all of you to become ultimately. My prayers for your overall-wellbeing – the material (Preyas)  and spiritual (Shreyas).

With lots of Love and affection,

A Dad’s Prescription to his Children
to Live as a GOOD human being and live a life of Excellence
Pay due attention to the following aspects of life.

BODY - Physical Strength

Physical Habits
            Eating habits
                        Nutritious food
                        Junk Food
            Drinking habits
                        Soft drinks
                        Hot beverages (coffee/tea)
            Physical Exercises
                        Yogasanas/some physical exercises
                        Playing games

MIND - Mental Strength
            Intellectual Habits
                        Watching Movies
                        Internet Browsing
            Emotional Habits
                        Being with family
                        Spending time with friends
                        Pursuing hobbies
                        Voluntary Service

SOUL/HEART - Spiritual Strength
            Strong Heart
                        Concern for others
                                    Voluntary service at home and outside
Contemplate on the values such as Love, Compassion, Service, Sacrifice, Surrender, Devotion, Dedication, Commitment etc.
                        Spiritual Habits
                                    Reading inspirational/ self-development literature
                                    Spending time alone
                                    Spending time with Master
                                    Getting over the habits that do not contribute to our growth/strength
                                    Voluntary service at home and outside

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